State of the art of Origami

Fish + Paper, Japanese style

Fish + paper, Japanese style.

Fish + Paper, western style

Fish + paper, western style
(actually this one is from Don's Fish & Chips in Brockville, ON).

It's a matter of record that Fudebakudo was responsible for revealing the forgotten martial origins of origami. Fudebakudo even gave the world downloadable slippers by combining the awesome twin-technologies of origami and internet.

But there are other people pushing back the folded envelope. Robert Lang's recent TED talk shows some state of the art origami that frankly makes the slippers look a bit clunky — the fish shown here is an example.

I particularly like his observation that, "The secret to productivity in so many fields is [. . .] letting dead people do your work for you".

If Lang's approach is all a bit too academic and impractical, just learn to fold paper the way the instant origami masters do it.